About Us
Club History
The Ukiah Host Lions Club was chartered on the 14th of December, 1926, with 20 members. Arthur Brookwell, representing Lions International, came to Ukiah to initiate the charter and install the first slate of officers, including President Harold Pauli. Meetings were held on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30 at the Hotel Cecile (where Rexall Drug and now the County Children Services Department are located). The first year Treasurer's report stated that the Club had collected $663.56 in funds and the balance on hand was $16.66.
Other interesting items of note from the early days of the Club:
- The first real effort to have an airport in Ukiah was sparked by the Ukiah Lions Club by holding an "Aviation Banquet" to help fund its creation.
- Ukiah Lions Club, early on, sponsored Camp Fire Girls' summer outings. It also provided free dental work for underpriveledged children.
- At Christmas time in 1930 the first efforts were made by the Club to provide a local Santa Claus and Christmas baskets for needy families, a program that was, in 1953, joined with the local "United Christmas Effort" which the Club continues to support today.
- In 1934 the Clubhouse at the Ukiah Golf Course was started under the sponsorship of the Ukiah Lions Club. In 1936 when it was finished, it was dedicated to the City. It was done with Lions money and manual labor and much community donation and effort.
- An Easter Egg Hunt has been held each year since 1947 on Easter Sunday. The Club prepares hundreds of dozens of eggs, hard-boiling and coloring them, before laying them in the Park, Golf Course, or today, Anton Stadium for hundreds of eager children to find.
- In 1949, the Club, under the leadership of Past President Al Anton, started sponsorship of what is today known as Anton Stadium. It was finished and dedicated to the City of Ukiah on July 4, 1952.
- In 1957 Lion Past President Sterling Norgard led the Club efforts in installing a sprinkler system and grooming McGarvey Park at Dora and Clay Streets.
- In the Fall of 1957 Lions Frenchie Sanchez and Al Bechtol co-chaired the Club's project of constructing a baseball diamond for the Little League. "Lions Field" was completed with monies, materials and labor furnished by the Club. The Ukiah Lions continue with sponsorsip of Little League Baseball teams today.